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Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 13 » Project In Yor Shoes
Project In Yor Shoes


ePals - международный клуб друзей по переписке. Школьники из разных стран мира предлагают своим друзьям принять участие в интересных проектах. Прочитайте об одном из проектов и подумайте, смогли бы мы принять в нём участие.

Walk a Mile in My Shoes

Student Task:

Have you ever wondered what it might be like to be someone else for a day--to walk a mile in their shoes? With this short activity you are going to give someone the chance to walk to school, virtually, in your shoes. Think about how you get to school. Do you walk? Ride a bike? Take a bus? Is it a long trip or a short trip? Today you are going to be recording it for others to experience.

Brainstorm and Create:
1. You are going to be making a short video or taking photos to turn into a digital presentation about your trip to school. Think carefully about what you might want to include. Do you wear a uniform? Do you pass by anything interesting that you might want to point out? Is your school, town or the way you travel unique in any way?
2. The title of the project is Walk a Mile in my Shoes so the first thing we want to see is your SHOES! And then take us on a trip to your school. Show us how you get to school on an ordinary day.
3. Do not include personally identifying things like the street address where you live or the license number on your car. Only use your first name and last initial in your work.
1. Upload your video or digital presentation to the ePals Global Citizens Showcase to share with students around the world.
2. Give them a chance to walk a mile in your shoes. Check out videos that have already been added to the gallery and take your own virtual walk.
Категория: English Club | Просмотров: 507 | Добавил: VM | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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