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Главная » 2012 » Октябрь » 13 » Being a Global Citizen
Being a Global Citizen


В этом международном проекте нам предлагают поучаствовать друзья по переписке:
I am a Global Citizen!

One definition of a "Global Citizen” is someone who:
  • Wants to learn more about the global community to which we all belong
  • Understands the interconnectedness of the world Believes in responsible stewardship of the environment.
  • Has a respect for human rights and cares about injustice. Promotes peaceful conflict resolution.
  • Is aware of and takes responsibility for global issues, and Takes action to make the world a better place.

    Are you ready to take the ePals Global Citizen pledge?

I am a global citizen.
I understand that I am connected to the wider world and that I can improve social, political, economic and physical aspects of the world in which I live.
I pledge to make a positive difference in the world...

What is YOUR definition of "global citizen?”

Listen to Emily T. from Maryland, USA, as she describes what it means to her to be a global citizen. Hear about the actions she and her classmates have taken to help improve the world around them.

When creating your video, please:
Define global citizen in words that kids around the world will understand.
Use specific examples that relate to your life. Finish your video with this sentence.
"My name is [your first name]. I am from [country]. I am part of ePals Global Community, and I am a global citizen.”
Make your video personal – use music, pictures, props.

Global Community Country Investigation:

A global citizen wants to learn more about the global community to which we all belong. And with this activity you will have the chance to do research on and take a closer look at one of the countries, other than your own, that makes up our global community.

Choose a country that you think might be very different from your own in some way (politically, economically, physically), that you don’t know very much about or one that you have a keen interest in. Select appropriate teacher-approved print and internet resources to research your chosen country. Focus on the social, cultural, political, economic and physical aspects of your chosen country.

 Record what you are learning on a note-taking graphic organizer. Use ours or one of your own. You can download it at the bottom of this page. Look over your notes and mark the information that you think best represents the country that you are researching and that you would like to include in your presentation.

Using your research, create a PowerPoint or other digital presentation that conveys what is unique about this country. Share what you have learned about the social, cultural, political, economic and physical aspects of this country. Use both visual images (pictures, maps, symbols) and text to present your findings.

 Share your work with students around the world by uploading your presentation to the ePals Global Citizens Showcase. Take some time to look through the gallery and learn a little bit about some of the countries that other students have explored. Give thoughtful comments and feedback to other students on their work.
Категория: English Club | Просмотров: 579 | Добавил: VM | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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