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Главная » 2011 » Апрель » 30 » Let's Get Digital!
Let's Get Digital!

Dear Students,

     Technology has really advanced over the years. Without even realizing it, we and our lifestyles have been affected daily by technology and its never-ending advances.

     Everything around us seems to be a part of some kind of technology. Sometimes we think that people are becoming more and more dependent on computers, mobile phones, TV sets and other devices. 

     Let modern technology be useful and help you discover the world, do all the school subjects well and prepare for exams. Let's get digital!

Now could you please answer some of my questions:

Are you computer-literate? (Are you good at using the computer?)

How often do you work on the computer?

Have you got your own website? what are some of your favorite websites?

Have you ever used your computer to study English?

In information society information and technology are more important than industrial or agricultural development. 

Do you think we live in the information society?

Your Teacher


Cliick for Idea Wish List

Find useful information here:

Это задание поможет вам лучше запомнить слова по теме "Компьютер":





Information about Computing History:



 Глог на тему "Наука и техника. Открытия, которые потрясли мир":
Категория: Lessons | Просмотров: 717 | Добавил: VM | Теги: Digital, internet | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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