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Главная » 2011 » Май » 7 » Gus the Snow Dog
Gus the Snow Dog
We've got this letter from Gus:
Hello Students:

My name is Gus, and I am a white Boxer, and I just love to visit my dad and all the kids at The Boys and Girls Club. Some of the kids think I am their mascot (талисман), and that is quite ok with me.
Do you guys and gals have a pet mascot at your school? I just love other dogs and most all cats. What is / are/ their names?

In this picture, it has just snowed at my house in Long Beach, Washington, and I’m keeping the deer and bears from getting in the garbage or eating all the plants or flowers. My dad, Ted Hensley, thinks I’m a great watch dog.

Well, I’ll write later

VM writes back:
Dear Gus,
It's nice to meet you!
I didn't have a chance to show your letter and your photo to my students, and I'll do it as soon as I can. I'm sure you'll make friends and will answer your questions.
Speaking of mascots, a little tiger could be a mascot of our English Club. You'll see our virtual pet in this site. He is sociable, playful and very kind, like most of my pupils. But he is a tiger, and one should respect him. The Amur Tiger is an endangered species in the Amur region, so we should take care of him.
And now let me introduce my own cat to you. His name is Charlie, and unlike you, he is black as midnight. He is a sporty cat, and can jump very high, and catch everything flying nearby. I guess he is fond of fishing as he likes fish and water.
Could you please tell us more about the place you live in, your Dad, and your friends? Do you know if Americans celebrate Victory Day? Russian people do - it is on May 9.
Write soon! We are looking forward to your letters!

Gus and his friend Maggie


Категория: English Club | Просмотров: 753 | Добавил: VM | Теги: Pets, usa, Club | Рейтинг: 5.0/1
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