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Главная » 2011 » Май » 29
Hi everybody,

It's me, Charlie the Cat.

My Mum has been busy and keeps saying I have been lazy. Here we are now, both of us, she is typing and I am thinking and washing myself. Thinking is my hobby, and I can read my Mum's thoughts and she always knows what is on my mind.

For you to know my story, let me tell about how it all began.

I was a tiny kitten when I was taken from my biological mother and brought to a strange home many thousand kilometres from my home in Kamchatka. The people there were celebrating New Year's Day. I decided to climb a shiny tree, and broke strange fruit growing on it. Then I heard a fair-haired woman say how silly of grown up sons to give such awful kittens with sharp teeth and crooked tails ... Читать дальше »

Категория: English Club | Просмотров: 652 | Добавил: VM | Дата: 29.05.2011 | Комментарии (0)

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