Дорогие ребята!
Сегодня я получила письмо от учителя из американского Клуба мальчишек и девчонок.
Они желают нам очень хорошего учебного года и хотят продолжить с нами дружескую переписку.
Думаю, что мы тоже!
Good Afternoon, Valya
Ted Hensley here, third day back with students from the Boys and Girls Club following a much needed Summer Break. And of course, there are many changes, new staff, and many new students. Happily there are some returnees, some of them asking if we are going to continue with the Pen Pals Program. Some of them will possibly wish to reconnect with the same Russian student as before—I simply do not know, but if we return to Pen Pals, I think it would be a good idea to encourage writing to the same person. However--- the important question------ Are you and your students willing to rekindle the friendships which were created earlier in the year? I know we are.
Some of last school years students have graduated to middle and high school, and quite possibly will not participate in this organization’s program—in any context.
A signup list was generated yesterday, and I will seek out all past students.
Until I hear from you—so long, and I hope you have a great year.
Gus and Maggie both posed for a couple of photographs, and would like to send them to you..Is ok?
Miss you all