Helloooooooooo Charlie Cat
Good Afternoon, Dear Charlie, Mum Valya, and All Your Schoolmates,
Maggie here, and just taking a bit of a nap following all the work I am responsible to do. Sometimes I just wish Papa Ted would just let me be a kitty, but you know how it can be…take care of this, eat that, get out of Gus’ bed---The things I do to keep him happy! I really appreciate your letter—and what a letter it is. I will write a longer one soon, but this is just to let you know Dad did show it and read it to me. Boy, you sure can write well—a great command of language. I just like to talk a lot,, and Papa Ted answers me, we take short walks together, and I love to sit and rest in his lap. When I do this Gus is so envious..and it makes him quite jealous, and he then tries to get in his lap also..Doesn’t work out too well for Gus, but it’s okay with me. Gus at least gets to go run and play on the beach, which I’m not allowed to do.. So we’re even
I’ve included another picture of Gus playing on the beach after a small snowstorm (without me, I might add) and having a marvelous time. I love to watch him play, and jump high—can he jump!
Well, think I’ll go and catch myself a moth to eat—when those little critters fly around the house, I also jump high –Gus doesn’t do much that I cannot do better. It may not seem like it, but I am a humble cat, not especially big, but humble. And above all, I am beautiful.
Have a great summer, y’all, And I’ll write again soon
Your New Friend
(by the way, after I tell Gus I wrote you a letter, he’ll want to write also
Bye for now Maggie