Our Virtual Pet Sweety
Напишите письмо 7-летней девочке.
Можете писать по-русски или нарисовать всё, о чём вы хотите ей рассказать или сделать фото-рассказ. Лучшие письма опубликуем на сайте и отправим Джейми и её друзьям.
Джейми живёт в штате Вашингтон. Ей 7 лет. У Джейми 2 сестры, с одной из которых они похожи как 2 капли воды (они близнецы). Любимая настольная игра девочки называется "Извини". У девочки есть собака по кличке Апрель, но ещё ей очень хочется морскую свинку... Остальное прочитайте сами.
Письмо Джейми:
Hello from Jaymi in Long Beach, Washington,
My name is Jaymi and I am 7 years old. I am in 2nd grade.
I live close to the ocean and next to the Columbia River in the Pacific Northwest.
I come to Boys & Girls Club almost every day and that’s where all my friends are.
I have 2 sisters. One is 12 yrs old and her name is Taylor.
My other sister is named Carli and she is my twin…so we are exactly the same age and we look alike!
I have a dog named April and her birthday is in April.
I want to get a guinea pig (морская свинка) and I hope my Mom will let me have one.
My family likes to bake cookies and cake. I like to eat them!
I like to play board games, especially Sorry. Do you know Sorry? What kind of games do you like to play? Do you have friends to play with? What are their names and how old are they? Do you want to be friends with me, please?
Please write back to me and send me a photo of yourself please. Your new American friend,
Would you like to have a virtual pet? Do you like Sweety?
Письмо Иры для Джейми:
Letter # 1
Hi Jaymi
Thank you for your letter!
Nice to meet you! I want to be your friend!
How are you? How are sisters? My mother bakes cake and cookies too. I also like to eat them. I have many friends. My best friends are Tanya, Mary, Marina, Xyusha and Kolya (Nick). Tanya is 9 years old, Mary is 10, Marina is 7, Xyusha is 7, Kolya is 8. We play chess, football and rollerskate. I can rollerskate very fast. I have got many toys. My favourite toys are toy horses. I like horses. I can ride a horse. Can you?
I don't know how to play Sorry.
Write back soon.
Your Russian friend
Letter # 2
Dear Jaymi, Hello! How are you? I'm fine. How are your sisters? How is your dog? Do you like the guinea pig on the English Club site?
Puzzle: What's this:
It's big and strong. It can be black, white, brown or grey. It can swim well. It can jump and run. It likes to eat grass, leaves, sugar, carrots and apples. It's nice. It lives on a farm. I like to ride on it. It's a _ _ _ _ _.
I like to sing, and you?
Bye. Write soon.
Letter # 3
I'm fine. How are you?
For breakfast I like to eat sandwiches, cakes, jam and ice cream. I don't like porridge. And you?
Write back soon.